Belgrade sights

Gardosh in Zemun

This neighborhood sits on top of one of three hills that form a historical core of the district and is well worth the climb. The famous Tower of Gardosh is its most spectacular landmark and the view available from the highest point is completely breath-taking. The neighborhood itself has a charming, old-town appearance which was carefully preserved from the older days of Belgrade. The streets are paved with cobblestone and are therefore unsuitable for modern vehicles. A sort of a curiosity is the fact that a large part of the area is occupied by the largest graveyard in Zemun. Of course, the thing to see in Gardosh is the Millenium Tower (also known as Gardosh tower and the tower of Janos Hunyadi), which has been standing since 1896 and holds amazing tales of war and heroism for any visitor to discover.

Interesting fact is that the area beneath Gardos contains a network of old lagums (underground catacombs) which connects the settlement of Gardos with Cukovac and Muhar. Sadly, even though their existence is outstanding, the lagums today contribute to the landslide risks that Gardos as well as Zemun cemetary are under due to inadequate construction during the settlement’s development.

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Foto: Pavle Kaplanec